
Long shirts like evening gowns,
Negligees that look like coats,
Fine colors and transparencies,
Lace inlays that hide the bindings;
… the Paris stitch regains
its former glory!

  • PURPLE bodice, mauve silk lace over a midnight blue sik moiré, 1972 creationPURPLE bodice, mauve silk lace over a midnight blue silk moiré - creation 1972
  • AUREOLE, brassiere open in front with 3 smalls buttons and laces, stretch back, white matt satin inlayed with 1930 Lyon lace - Creation 1984AUREOLE, brassiere opened in front with 3 smalls buttons and laces, stretch back, white matt satin inlayed with 1930 Lyon lace - creation 1984
  • ALBANE, ivory colored nightgown in satin chiffon with Irish lace inlaysALBANE, ivory colored nightgown in satin chiffon with Irish lace inlays - creation 1975
  • VALERIANE, nightgown, white matt crepe de Chine embroidered flowers and polka dots, Point de Paris appliquésVALERIANE, nightgown, white matt crepe de Chine embroidered flowers and polka dots, Point de Paris appliqués - creation 1978
  • SAVANE, bra with caps inlayed with antique laceSAVANE, bra with caps inlayed with antique lace - creation 1985
  • Mathilde, satin top in pink mother of pearl silk and very delicate Calais lace inlaysMathilde, satin top in pink mother of pearl silk and very delicate Calais lace inlays
  • Loose bodice, ROSALIE, Eifel black crepe de chine inlayed with antiqueLoose bodice, ROSALIE, Eifel black crepe de chine inlayed with antique lace - creation 1983
  • Panties and bra ANGELA closed by a small button, black satin Eiffel, Black Calais laceAPanties and bra ANGELA closed by a small button, black satin Eifel, black Calais lace - creation 1975
  • CAROLE, gown, satin jacquard with bird pattern, and CLARA blouse in pink crepe georgette, silk flowers inlaysCAROLE, gown, satin jacquard with bird pattern, and CLARA, blouse in pink crepe georgette, silk flowers inlays - creation 1980
  • ANEMONE, Silk muslin blouse lace collar made of embroidered tulleANEMONE, silk muslin blouse lace collar made of embroidered tulle
  • VINCENT, ensemble, pink satin chiffon creating a delicate voluptuous flowVINCENT, ensemble, pink satin chiffon creating a delicate voluptuous flow
  • CALINE & MESSALINE, ensemble, turquoise blue crepe de chine, embroidered organdi collarCALINE & MESSALINE, ensemble, turquoise blue crepe de chine, embroidered organdi collar - creation 1983
  • TUMULTUEUSE, Home-gown of hand painted silk Jacquard motif, dating from the 1930`s. Ornate with a garland of silk flowerTUMULTUEUSE, home-gown of hand painted silk Jacquard motif, dating from the 1930`s. Ornate with a garland of silk flower
  • For KARL LAGERFELDLingerie gets the upper hand: bra, embroidered with sequins, panties in tweed and Lycra. For KARL LAGERFELD, spring summer, 1995